
Welsh pony, or Welsh pony, is a breed of pony native to Wales. The studbook was created in 1902. It has four open sections to differentiate the four existing types in this pony: Welsh mountain (A), Welsh (B), Welsh cob (C), and Welsh cob (D). Welsh mountain, which still lives in semi-freedom in its original area, is part of the mountain and moorland ponies. The Welsh B is a very popular sport Pony, which like the previous one, features an excellent Arabized model. The Welsh C and D are sturdier ponies, capable of carrying adults. The Welsh are very popular for all equestrian sports.

The Welsh Pony (also known as Welsh pony) is the largest pony race in the Welsh mountains, characterized by being a sturdy, intelligent, and manageable saddle pony, with great sporting qualities that make it a regular pony of competitions.


The head has a concave profile, an abombated front, and small ears; the neck is medium in length, the backs are tilted, and the back is muscled. The leaning group with a high insertion tail. Its limbs are fine but resistant, and the helmets are small and hard. The lift is less than 120 cm. Its behavior is characterized by being brave and intelligent, being good for the ride.


Originally from Wales, Great Britain is descended from poniesโ€™ native who mixed with horse oriental, growing up in the farms of Lake Bala, founded in the time of Julius Caesar, many originally lived outdoors in the mountains welsh, and is used to transport peasants welsh through the farms of the mountains.

Over time he received contributions from thoroughbred, Spanish and Arabic blood. In 1902, The Stud-Book and the Pony Welsh Cob Society were created, where it was classified into four sections according to its morphology and sports skills.

The Welsh pony has been taken as the initial base of other types of races, such as the polo pony, the Hackm, and Hackney. Sometime later, he crossed paths with many other races and has influenced the appearance of the pony of the Americas and the British Riding Pony.

Section A

The pony Wales Mountain or pony Wales Section A has an elevation to the Cross of 121.9 cm maximum, any layer is accepted except the pintos, is characterized by its raised head, distended upper tail, and stiff ears. They are used for the start of equestrian learning in children and are ideal for pulling couplers.

Section B

Unlike the pony of Section A to the pony of Section B, its maximum lift is 137.2 cm, its main characteristic is its ability to be chair ponies, for jumping and classical dressage.

Section C

The main difference between this section and Section B lies in the robustness and strength of this section. Among the changes in his head and his bones, which are heavier, and his musculature. It is the ideal section for sports. With Section B, it maintains characteristic features such as its height.

Section D

This section is the largest, usually exceeding 137.2 cm of the previous sections, and without a limit set for its height. It is a popular choice for activities such as sport hunting or cross-country.